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Otro Rollo 2000

Otro Rollo Interview / English Translation

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Transcript by Morris /

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Adal: ……. Salma Hayek in Otro Rollo!!!!! Welcome, welcome to your home, welcome to México, welcome to Televisa, welcome to the public. Were you expecting her?!!! Public: YEEES!

Salma: Me too, I was already anxious to come to your show.

Adal: Well, you didn't give interviews to anybody, so I said, "maybe she won't give us one as well".....

Salma: No, no, why do.....? Why are you like that? Why do you touch that subject when some might already be angry at me? (laughs)

Adal: No, no, no, what happens is that there's an explanation for everything, and that is an explanation we share, which is that when an artist gives interviews it's because he/she has something to say.

Salma: Exactly

Adal: So, why did you come to Mexico?

Salma: I came to a party, to have fun. And the interview is over. No, what happens is, I figure they must have other things to ask me about, but they are 500 reporters, media, and I came to a party. So, it isn't a movie, it is nothing..... it's important, but it isn't something very personal of which I have a lot to say.

Adal: Yeah, and you can't give them the time which, for example, you are sharing with us right now being so calmed, relaxed, on a TV show. So there you have thousands of microphones and you say: "How do I do it to give so many interviews?"

Salma: To everybody, right?

Adal: That is why it is very comprehensible when artists of your stature come here and suddenly it is like: "she didn't give interviews", and the press or certain press or radio and TV shows go "how is it that she didn't give an interview?" It's just that you don't manage yourself alone, I like to think. That is, you have a team behind you. Suddenly they must tell you "hey, no interviews today". "But why?", "not today".

Salma: No, I also think that the Mexican press is very very generous with me and they..... they......

Adal: Don't cry...

Salma: (laughs) ....flatter me, they flatter me too much, but, it flatters me when I'm asked for an interview by them. But I think the public also gets tired of seeing the same faces all the time, everyday as they turn around they see the same face, they see........ I want to be with the Mexican people for many many many years. And I don't want them to get bored about the same stuff.

Adal: Of using your image too much

Salma: Exactly. When one has something important to share, to tell you, then...... one goes and gives interviews. But when one comes to a party then one goes out, greets and comes..... well..... here.....

Adal: To Otro Rollo!!!

Salma: Indeed....

Adal: So Salma, now that we have the time to talk here tell me one thing: did you dream of becoming a gymnast?

Salma: Look how good you know me!

Adal: Ooooh, ooooh..... Did you dream of......?

Salma: Ooooh

Adal: Ooooh, oooooh.... "What is he drinking?" No, but you dreamt about gymnastics and your dad....

Salma: Or "eeeeh?" Because I saw your monologue when you talked about the words and you had different uses for the "eeeeh?"...

Adal: No, but here the "eeeh" is reserved....... But tell me one thing, you wanted to become a gymnast and your dad didn't let you....

Salma: Well, no, eeeeeh, my dad did let me. What happened was that in Coatzacoalcos there wasn't a proper gym with all the equipment where I could....

Adal: Practice...

Salma: Practice Olympic gymnastics back then, and I taught myself some stuff alone and then I asked my father if for the summer (I was about 8 or 9 years old) they could bring me to Mexico so that I would train all summer long. I mean, all the girls walked from recess to our classroom, but I went jumping. I have a friend here who attended school and she can tell you....

Adal: Tightrope walking and everything?

Salma: Yes, at its most!

Adal: And your underwear? I mean, turning and jumping and aaaaah, aaaaah....

Salma: I wore shorts! I wore shorts under my skirt....

Adal: Was it a mixed school or just for women?

Salma: It was a mixed school

Adal: Daaamn!

Salma: I was 9 you pervert!

Adal: But even like that, well, 9-year old girls have pretty underwear....

Salma: No, I wore shorts under my skirt

Adal: You wore shorts....

Salma: Yes

Adal: So you did all those jumps and everyone must have said: "What's this girl up to uh?"

Salma: Yeah, they all said "oh, come on, come on, stop it, stop it." So I came here in the summer, my parents did support me, I came in the summer, my mom stayed all the summer with me...

Adal: "Lets bring her to train"

Salma: Yes, "so this stops". I went there everyday, I was really happy. Then the gym owner told my dad that I had good aptitudes, that I was very disciplined, that I was a good possibility to be accepted at the CEDON....

Adal: Yes, and represent Mexico

Salma: ..... so that I would train there. But of course, my dad had to leave his 9-year old daughter behind.....

Adal: His only daughter

Salma: ..... far from Coatzacoalcos, to live in dorms and he said "Noooo"

Adal: "No, Mexico can stay without any medals, but without my daughter nooooo"

Salma: "Not me", exactly

Adal: So then what? Did that frustrate you? Wasn't there a moment of saying "Dad, why not?" ?

Salma: It's just that they didn't tell me. I found out years later because of a nosy aunt....

Adal: The classic aunt (laughs)

Salma: You now there always are...... And yes, it did disappoint me. I couldn't believe it. I would have wanted....... I do understand my father and his logic reasons and maybe if I had a daughter I would do the same, but he said that children had to have a normal life, but I would have preferred not to have a normal life, not to play with the kids and do gymnastics all day long...

Adal: So.... we could have earned the gold one with you....

Salma: But maybe I'll win an Oscar for you, and they're golden as well...

Adal: (laughs) Ooooh, we're expecting an Oscar, and they're golden. Lets go to a break and we'll continue with Salma Hayek!!! #2

Adal: So, the nosy aunt tells you…..

Salma: She tells me

Adal: She tells you..... "How do you see it Salma?"

Salma: No, it wasn't like that. I don't remember how it was, but it slipped by her. And then...

Adal: And did you protest to your parents or did you tell them anything?

Salma: I don't remember, I don't remember, probably not. My parents have always supported me in everything and any decision was obviously taken with all their love, their affection and always trying to do the best for me

Adal: So at the end everything got into place and you wanted to study acting...

Salma: Besides I want to tell you that my father, I was so sad when I came back and I didn't have anywhere to practice gymnastics, so he bought me a pair of bars.

Adal: Really?

Salma: Yes, I had them there in the garden, the asymmetric bars...

Adal: And you hanging from them...

Salma: ..... like a monkey all day long. But of course I didn't have any training, so it is very dangerous, it is a very dangerous sport and without anyone to teach you....

Adal: No, and even more if you gave asymmetric bars and the pavement.....

Salma: Noooo, I had my small mattresses and everything, but I trained myself alone, so....

Adal: ¿And when you saw some international event like the Olympics or something, didn't you feel anything?

Salma: I still feel something, I still feel it, yes....

Adal: It must be difficult to know that you could've been there. But you wouldn't change what you have now, would you?

Salma: No, no, no, I have a good life I hope I have a son or a daughter who like sports. Gymnastics, well, I'd die, uh?

Adal: But after the gymnastics thing, didn't you do any other sport?

Salma: No. (laughs) It stayed there....

Adal: Well, how cool, uh? Didn't you go out to run in the mornings or something?

Salma: No, nothing, no..... no....

Adal: Did you ever have an accident? In the asymmetric bars?

Salma: I had small ones...... but...... oh yes, I broke an ankle once...

Adal: Oh yeah, small accident, of course. (laughs) Which ankle did you break?

Salma: I've remembered now. After I was about 17 I found a gym (I lived in Mexico now), an Olympic gym and I got in there and..... do you know who did Olympic gymnastics along me?...... Alejandra Guzmán!

Adal: Alejandra Guzmán?

Salma: Alejandra Guzmán, before any of us were actresses we did gymnastics at the Pedregal and we did all that tightrope walking....

Adal: Well, Alejandra still does that.... (laughs)

Salma: And you know what? She was very good, Alejandra, uh?

Adal: I don't doubt it...

Salma: I mean, with our limitations, because at those times to start again.....

Adal: At 17 right?

Salma: At 17..... and I broke an ankle there and..... I said: "I'm too old for this"...

Adal: So you broke an ankle in that place? At 17, I mean, it's just that at 17 you're too old for that kind of sports....

Salma: Oh yeah, of course, definitely

Adal: So then, how did the acting thing happened? Why did it start?

Salma: Oh God, I don't really remember....

Adal: (laughs) Lets call Salma's doctor so that he comes and makes Salma remember all that...

Salma: "Take the Alz Heimmer away from her...."

Adal: Eeeeh, eeeeh...

Salma: No, I wanted to be.... since I was a child....

Adal: Something big...

Salma: Since I was a little girl I dances, sang, acted, draw, I was a choreographer, a director, that's what I played, uh? All the time. But then when I got to be 14, when one starts to like boys, I was ashamed of saying what I really wanted to do.

Adal: At 14? I was also 14 and I never liked boys.....

Salma: Sure!

Adal: Well, I remember Raúl.... (laughs) No.... So you started to like boys when you were 14?

Salma: Yes

Adal: Not before? I mean, you were in a mixed school, it's weird.

Salma: Well, when I was about 3-years old at the kindergarten I fell in love with a boy whose name was Víctor Eduardo Tubilla

Adal: Tubilla! (laughs) Is that his last name? (Romantic music starts playing)

Salma: Oh, the music, please! How horrible!

Adal: Víctor Eduardo, if you're watching us give us a call...

Salma: He's married with children (laughs)

Adal: Picture out Víctor Eduardo with his big tummy: "Yeah, I was Salma's loved one"

Salma: (laughs) Public: (applause)

Adal: Lets go to a break, uh? Are we going to a break? Do we want to go to a break? Public: Noooo!

Adal: Well, we ARE going to a break. We'll be back with Salma Hayek..... #3

Adal: During the commercials' break I'm talking with Salma and I say: "Gosh, he didn't know!"

Salma: I think he didn't know, but well now, I've already confessed

Adal: But you haven't seen him since kindergarten or did you see him afterwards?

Salma: No, I did see him because we lived in the same city and our parents were friends, but love happened when we were 3-years old...

Adal: 3-years old, so it means that now...... tomorrow Víctor Eduardo Tubilla is going to arrive at work and everyone will be like: "eeeeh, eeeeh". (laughs) Picture out Eduardo's wife: "you bastard!", and the guy: "I was 3-years old!!!.... Besides, I never knew about it!!!" Imagine one day in Hollywood, ring, ring....

Salma: No, no, it's too late now, he missed his chance, he didn't take advantage of it

Adal: And Víctor Eduardo: you haven't seen Edward Norton fighting uh? Be careful!..... So this guy Víctor Eduardo was your platonic love at age 3, how long did this love last?

Salma: Oh, I don't know, a year...

Adal: A year...

Salma: About a year, but we were the kings of the spring, uh? Me with my princess dress, he was my chamberlain

Adal: "With you, the kings of the spring!"

Salma: And we appeared and tan tan tan.... (Music begins)

Salma: We practiced hours, you know...... Lets see, come here.... (They stand up and dance)

Adal: I can't believe it. In other countries..... because we're being watched in many countries in Europe, North Africa, ex Soviet Union, Center and South America, and the United States, I don't know if you know that in Mexico we do the queen and king of the spring celebration, but we also do the ugly king one....

Salma: Don't tell me you were the... (Laughs)

Salma: No, no, it's just that I thought you were going to share a similar experience...

Adal: How few grandmother!!! (Morris's note: this is the literal translation of a common expression that means sort of "How dare you?" or "I'm offended!". I had to put it this way for what is to come)

Salma: No, I thought you were going to share a similar experience........ I hope my grandmother didn't hear you because she's tough...

Adal: What's her name?

Salma: Mi grandmother's name is María Luisa López, but we call her Huicha

Adal: Huicha, Huicha, Miss Huicha, I was joking uh? About the "little grandmother" thing, you know....

Salma: I have lots of grandmother! (Morris's note: another expression impossible to translate accurately)

Adal: Is she still living in Mexico?

Salma: Yeah, not in Mexico City, but in Mexico...

Adal: You know what? I sometimes feel as if you need to think to speak in Spanish

Salma: Oh, you're crazy man, no, no...

Adal: Because you do something like....... Or do you not remember it either?

Salma: Oh no, I do, what happens is....

Adal: Its just that Hugo Sanchez..... Hugo Sanchez went to Spain for a long time and he came back talking like a Spanish man

Salma: No, no, no, what happens is that I'm a very talky person, and now I realize that, but I've learnt from experience that you have to edit in television. I mean, you have to say everything you want but fast, because you have little time and that way you can talk more. That's why you see me editing, tralara, "she lives in Mexico, but not in Mexico City", instead of saying "well, look, she went to live with some aunts two years ago, etc..." Do you understand?

Adal: And everyone in their homes: "Oh, shut up now!". No, but we do want to keep listening to you...... So that first love passed by. Which was your real love? Your high school love?

Salma: No way, I don't remember that at all! I just remember Víctor Eduardo and the current one!!! Apart from them I don't remember..... there hasn't been any other men in my life...

Adal: Picture out every men who has been with Salma in the last years: "I was Salma's boyfriend", and now: "She just denied me, she denied me!" So then, 'till Edward.....

Salma: No, I'm not going to talk about.....

Adal: No, don't talk about Edward...... He already talked to us. Let's go see this clip about what he told us! Where is the clip? Lets see what Edward told us in Los Angeles 3 or 4 days ago....

Salma: Lies! He even isn't in Los Angeles...

Adal: He isn't in Los Angeles? Then who is that fellow we interviewed? (Laughs) #4

Adal: You arrive to Televisa and you starts have appearances in soap operas, but then comes…..

Salma: In one soap opera....

Adal: Which was.....?

Salma: "El Nuevo Amanecer"

Adal: But then comes the opportunity to be the stellar. In "Teresa", am I right? With don Claudio Brook. "Teresa, Teresa, you're completely mad"

Salma: Claudio Brook wasn't in it

Adal: He wasn't? Mauricio, you have always told me....

Salma: Claudio Brook, sure, sure, Claudio Brook! But he didn't talk like that, sorry, sorry, sorry. Of course, yes, yes, yes, sorry, of course, don Claudio, he did appear in it, really good, but he didn't talk like that....

Adal: "Teresa, you're completely mad". Well, Mauricio has always fooled us then, since he says he imitates him.

Salma: No

Adal: Well, but then the stellar role comes. Did you believe when the stellar arrived that it was going to be the biggest thing you'll achieve or did you think there was more for you? Don't tell me you had Hollywood in your mind since then! Hollywood, the race and various others....

Salma: No, no, I was a little confuse, because it had been an incredible experience, I liked it very much, but what I really wanted to do was movies. I said: "if I keep up with this, what am I going to end up doing? One soap opera every two years, I don't really want that for my life". Then I went back to the theatre, but....

Adal: "Las visitas tienen.....", what's the name of a play you did?

Salma: "Las visitas tienen sueño" (Morris's note: the English translation is "The guests are not sleepy")

Adal: Yes, "Las visitas tienen sueño"

Salma: But the audience was not sleepy, because we did very well, uh?

Adal: Yeah

Salma: But what I wanted to do was movies

Adal: There was a conflict inside of you. You said: "I don't want to keep doing soap operas".....

Salma: "I don't want to"....

Adal: Why? What did you feel? That soap operas weren't going to transcend that much?

Salma: I didn't want to, I mean, I didn't like to do a soap opera every year, the roles are very similar...

Adal: The plots too...

Salma: The plots too..... Soap operas are really good, there are people who love them, but.....

Adal: The best soap operas in the world are Mexicans....

Salma: I didn't want to keep acting with the prompter. I wanted to look for new horizons, that's why I came back to theatre and that. But I realized that what I really wanted to do was movies, and unfortunately if you are a soap actress, well I think things are starting to change right now, but there was the good cinema industry in Mexico which was really scarce, even though things are changing now, but they didn't take you seriously as an actress to do good movies or good theatre. If you did soaps they didn't call you. And... and good cinema and theatre actors were never called to soap operas because they weren't stars. So there was that division and I...... felt trapped in the middle of it.

Adal: That doesn't happen that much now

Salma: Yes, but in those time it did happen, and I was confused. I said: "I know that what I really want to do is movies, but I have that problem, so I'm going to go to the U.S. to study". Because what certainly was clear was that I wanted to improve as an actress

Adal: Of course, you wanted to study acting and English

Salma: Yes

Adal: But, did you think: "I'm going to stay in Hollywood"?

Salma: I wasn't that sure at the moment. I had the illusion, but I wasn't sure.

Adal: It's just that today it is very common, suddenly we have actors and actresses who say: "I'm going to Hollywood to triumph!". They even announce it loudly. And suddenly you are like: "what's up with that guy who said all that stuff?"

Salma: I'm not going to say names, but when I went many people were there that never publicly said it and there were many actresses that were trying to start a career as well, looking for an agent, going to auditions, going to classes and who never told the press and were waiting until they "did it" to announce it. At least I was brave enough and I said: "I'm leaving and we'll see"

Adal: Tell me one thing. Suddenly when you spot an actress in Hollywood, and unfortunately those are the stereotypes, and it's a Latin actress, she's a brunette, with certain height and stuff, what roles is she going to play? Suddenly you think: "It's too limited". And suddenly you've demonstrated that it isn't. Was that a problem for you?

Salma: I didn't demonstrate that it wasn't........ I changed it. Not by myself, but it was what it was. I mean, when I arrived there weren't any roles. And sometimes one got to do one role, but it obviously didn't grow into more of them....

Adal: Yeah, one appeared in one movie and that was about it.....

Salma: And that has changed. I think that among the image the United Stated have of other countries, we Mexicans are in the last places. So it was even more difficult if you were Mexican. I also think that with the stuff that is happening in Mexico, that's going to help. And there are many things going on in the US as well which we Latins were fighting for. And along what is happening in Mexico I think the image is changing....

Adal: It's incredible but...... we're going to a break....... but suddenly we have the fact that in foreign cinema, and in American cinema itself, the hero is blonde, the good guys have always blue eyes and they're white. The bad ones are always Asian or Latin, they belong to minorities...

Salma: Or English!

Adal: Or English too...

Salma: You realize that in many aspects, the bad guys........ Even the Irish go along a bit more as good guys, but the English are bad too.

Adal: Yes, yes, at the end of the day they declared a war on us and conquered us, right? So those are the things American people have, but we're going to keep talking with Salma Hayek about much more stuff, here, in Otro Rollo! #5

Adal: So, in the….. suddenly in the business it gets very..... malign..... or I mean...... people outside the business thinks that in the business it is like "Oh, you come for the audition? Yes? Well, could you take off your skirt? And your blouse?"..... to..... how was your audition?

Salma: No

Adal: Because many people think this stuff gets too heavy handed, not only in Hollywood, but everywhere...

Salma: I don't know in Mexico, but over there..... there is not only one person who takes the decision. The decision is always taken by many people.... that's why it takes so much time..... that's another problem, you know? They take too long so things can get made. They have to go through a lot of bureaucracy, and then there is the studio..... In the studio there is people.... and then the producers who are always present (if you see in the movies there's always a producers' list) then the people who work at the studios don't appear in the credits, so the list of producers' credits...

Adal: Is short...

Salma: Is short, sooo...

Adal: Who introduced you? Who told you: "Come with me Salma, I'm going to introduce you to this man over here"? How was it?

Salma: Absolutely no one...

Adal: You went to knock doors?

Salma: No one, I didn't know anybody. No one helped me, no one introduced me. I started almost as an extra. I started in a movie where I had a very small line. My character was... "La Gata" was her the name of my character. But it was never known because no one called me, no one called me by my name. I was there with a bunch of girls chasing this guy who was a gang member...

Adal: So this guy in the movie.... Was it a catalog movie of those you call 'low budget'?

Salma: Yes

Adal: And then? What did you say? "This is what I'm gonna do"

Salma: No, no, I said: "No one knows me, and I have to start." And I wasn't afraid of starting. So little by little, little by little I went....

Adal: And how did you have money over there?

Salma: Because I went there with some saved money which I later spent...

Adal: in a month...

Salma: Really quick. Not in a month.... Not in a month, but I mean, yes.... I wasn't that organized, and I had some rough times....

Adal: And did you share your apartment with someone else?

Salma: No

Adal: Alone

Salma: Alone. But it was a one-room apartment, really small...

Adal: Of course, of course, a very modest apartment. I mean, you arrived there to sleep and that's it. Then you left early...

Salma: Not really, because there was a lot of time when I didn't have a job, so...

Adal: And what did you do?

Salma: I studied, I studied...

Adal: More English, more English....

Salma: More.... nooo. More English, I studied Shakespeare. I went to a library which had some dictionaries from different centuries, no, different eras, and with Shakespeare's book, every word I didn't understand (because they mean something different).... I went and spent a long time there. And I studied and took classes and I went to the movies and I cheated, because.... sometimes....... there are some very big places where there are a lot of theaters or screens. And if you go before 4 o'clock it's cheaper, it costs you half the price....

Adal: And you could swap from one theater to another?

Salma: No, no, that's illegal...... so I went with a purse, with a jacket, a hat, a sweater....

Adal: And you disguised yourself?!

Salma: I went and checked the schedule and figured it out, "ten minutes in the bathroom, I am in time for this one, then I go to that one, no, no, no, I better see this one first, but then I only have to wait 5 minutes in the bathroom".... and so on. I did my list, my program, you know?

Adal: And between movies and the bathroom....

Salma: So I went there at 1 o'clock, it cost me 4 dollars, I saw 4 movies and I went out at 10 o'clock....

Adal: You saw 4 movies and spent 6 or 7 water liters flushing the toilet there.... (laughs)

Salma: I changed my jacket and they never caught me. Well, I think once a guy caught me, but he didn't say a word....

Adal: He said: "no, she is already part of the furniture!", didn't he?

Salma: Because I love to go to the movies. I still do. I like it a lot, I buy some popcorns...

Adal: But what I'm heading to is.... How difficult...... not because you're a woman, because we men and women are the same, but how difficult to be there, not knowing anyone, living in a modest apartment, as you say, a room....

Salma: It was pretty. Don't think it was horrible...

Adal: No, but you were calmed and suddenly: "Today I don't have a job, today I do, will they pay me for this?"

Salma: No, and I was there as an illegal too. There was a moment when I didn't have....

Adal: They're watching us, huh? They're watching us in the United States....

Salma: No, but I have my green card now...

Adal: You do?

Salma: You know what? With all the taxes I pay them I hope they don't get angry at me because of some days I had problems with my visa....

Adal: But how was that?.... Don't tell me you went there in the back of a 'disguised' truck? I don't think so....

Salma: No, I went as a student, with a student visa...

Adal: Of course, but your student visa expired, your permission....

Salma: Yes

Adal: You said: "I stay here, in the movies and flushing the toilets, but I stay here"....

Salma: "And that way they don't find me", yes....

Adal: So then, how much time did you stay as an illegal?..... I mean, Salma Hayek was an illegal!!!

Salma: Yes

Adal: So, how long?

Salma: That I don't remember!!! (Laughs and applause)

Adal: So....

Salma: I've got Alz Heimmer when it is convenient for me, very convenient....

Adal: Very! But you do admit it...

Salma: I remember what....

Adal: .... what is convenient for you!

Salma: Yeah

Adal: So then time goes by between little roles and little roles and... when did you suddenly say: "Now I've met......? I think this is it!"?

Salma: Weeell, I had an interview in a TV show with Paul Rodriguez, who is an American comedienne who said: "Well, why are you here as an extra when you were already having a successful career in Mexico?" and this and that. I don't know what it is that I told him, but Robert Rodriguez and his wife Elizabeth Avellán (who is the producer of all his movies) saw this interview.....

Adal: We're talking about 'Desperado' and....

Salma: Yes. They looked for me and interviewed me and told me: "Well, we're going to make this 'Desperado' movie, I think you would be perfect for the part"

Adal: With Banderas?

Salma: With Banderas, but that was two years later....

Adal: Oh, they tell you about it now and the shooting is in two years....

Salma: Yes, because then it wasn't going to be made, it was delayed. He made me an audition at the moment, but then it wasn't going to be made, I don't know what. Then he called me telling me that he was going to shoot a small one-hour movie for cable and that it would be good for me to audition for that role. Because if I got that role and we worked together fine he would consider it as an audition for 'Desperado'. So I went, auditioned, they called me again, I auditioned, I auditioned again, three times..... and I got it!

Adal: The 'call back'....

Salma: The 'call back', you do know...... So I made the movie and it ended up great and then I came to Mexico...... I did a TV show that was really bad.....

Adal: In Mexico?

Salma: No, in the United States, where I had a contract for, (my God!), five years, the TV show was really really bad.....

Adal: What was it about?

Salma: It was a comedy with a comedienne named Sinbad. I told him: "Please Sinbad, fire me, do something"

Adal: (laughs) "I'm an illegal!"

Salma: I didn't want to do that show, "Fire me" and, another thing that helped was that I ate and ate and ate and started to get fatter, so I told him: "Please, tell them I'm too fat, tell them to fire me!"

Adal: But you didn't get fat so they would fire you, did you?

Salma: It was a little because of that, since I didn't want to be there and I said to myself: "My God, I'm going to be doing this TV show for the rest of my life!"

Adal: Five years!

Salma: And I ate and ate and ate and ate, so I got the fattest I've ever been....

Adal: How much weight did you gain?

Salma: About 15 LIBRAS.... Well, but now I'm about 5 LIBRAS over my current weight, so I actually gained about 10 LIBRAS over my current current weight. How much is that? About 6 KILOS, but because I'm very short it shows....

Adal: But you're really thin....

Salma: So I didn't get fired for being fat, but they did end up firing me...

Adal: (laughs) "They didn't fire me for being fat!"

Salma: So I got rid of that show and thanks to that I immediately shot 'El Callejón de los Milagros'

Adal: Of course, with Fons, with Fons...

Salma: After I finished 'El Callejón de los Milagros' Robert Rodriguez called me and said: "NOW you can come to audition again to do 'Desperado'"

Adal: Another audition?

Salma: I auditioned for about three months....

Adal: Three months?

Salma: Three months, like "Come again"...

Adal: "We'll tell you later", "Another one"...

Salma: "We'll call you"....

Adal: Oh God!

Salma: And they were my friends, huh?

Adal: So they can treat you even more coldly....

Salma: No, no, they weren't cold

Adal: No, no, no, not them. I mean if your friends tell you: "We'll call you later", just picture out if they didn't know you...

Salma: The truth is the treated me the same because it was a job and he had to be sure it was the right person. That's why what is said about this people courting you is not true...... People don't hire you if they don't really think that you will work. Because there's a lot of competition right there, a lot of pressure, and there's a lot of people behind....

Adal: And too much money in between....

Salma: Too much money in between, yes

Adal: So, lets keep talking about your beginning in movies, because you came here to do 'El Callejón de los Milagros'

Salma: 'El Callejón de los Milagros'

Adal: That was excellent, and we'll talk about what happened in Hollywood next. We'll be right back with Salma! #6

Adal: Tell me one thing Salma, are you happy with what has happened to you? Or would you like it better if you had already had a movie of your own and a stellar role or what?

Salma: I'm very happy and really thankful for what has happened to me. Not only for what has happened in my career, but I have a good life. Not only because I've also grown as an actress and as a woman, and I've met wonderful people and stuff, but also because I've kept many important people to me. Even though I have so little time and we obviously don't get together as much as we'd like to. Friendships from my childhood....

Adal: Which are here with you....

Salma: They're here with me...... On of them, from a school in the United States were I studied when I was 13 years old. The other one from Coatzacoalcos. After this I'm going to have lunch with a friend I know since I was born. I don't want to tell you how many years ago, but she...... was already here when I was born. Then....

Adal: Then don't tell us, because Paty would say....

Salma: Well, she was born one day before me, I mean.....

Adal: A detail which was just a detail but which I really liked was that in your CAMERINO you introduced us to several people and in a commercials break I told you: "the people who came with you from your office....", and you said "no". I mean, "of course, the ones you introduced us from your office"...... "no, they're my friends from school"

Salma: Yes, you know what? There's a person who works with me but who is also my friend and without her, well, she my guardian angel. Juliisa, come here, say "Hi" to the camera immediately! Julissa, don't be ashamed!

Adal: Julissa, come and say "Hello". Sit here, how are you? Julissa: Fine, thanks

Salma: Julissa is a wonderful Cuban girl that..... I can't tell you how much she helps me!!! I have her with a rope, the poor woman, but she has stood by me....

Adal: Is she good to obey, to defend? As of "Lets go, finish already!"

Salma: Yes Julissa: Very good

Adal: The interview is over and now "Last question, last answers" Julissa: Yeah

Adal: Does she obey you? Julissa: Yes

Adal: Hey Julissa, stay with me, because I never understand....

Salma: No, no, I can't, I can't, I can't, she's faithful tome...

Adal: Is she?

Salma: Yes

Adal: So, thanx Julissa for having conceived this, you know? Julissa: Thank YOU

Salma: So I'm very lucky in the way I feel loved by my people, who've always been with me, who have stood by me all the time, my family, my friends, a very special person....

Adal: Well, not that secret, because we've seen many pictures already....

Salma: I feel really good. I've got a career, I'm healthy, I've got youth, I've got enthusiasm. I feel like I'm starting all over again. I'm producing. I'm going to tell you something I haven't said before, the Frida Kahlo thing is going great, I'm really excited because everything's going fine with that. And I'm going to produce a movie in Veracruz, so now I'm able to bring the business to my country....

Adal: Excuse me for a moment, but I think she wants to go..... Do you want to leave Julissa? (Julissa leaves and she's applauded)

Adal: So lets see, about that Veracruz thing...... Thanx Julissa.....

Salma: ….about Veracruz. And I'm going to tell you something that no one knows. We haven't even released the news in the United States, but I got an offer to direct a movie, and probably next year...... so I'm going to produce, direct, star, the friends, everything, I'm really happy.

Adal: Don't you want Jordi and I to carry the wires or something? I can also take Mauricio. We can do the casting...... Call me 30 times, ok?

Salma: Yes, yes.... I've already got a role for Jordi there....

Adal: Do you?

Salma: Yes, of course

Adal: The naked one with the snake... (laughs)

Salma: There's a Chinese part... (Laughs)

Salma: I think if we do him the Oyuki he would be perfect....

Adal: So you're going to direct, wow!

Salma: But until next year. They're going to wait for me because I have other commitments before....

Adal: And you're also an important make-up label's image as well....

Salma: No, I'm not going to be that anymore....

Adal: Did the contract expire?

Salma: Yes, and I'm not going to renew it, because I have other plans. And you know what? I can't complain. I'm very happy with my life and I'm very happy to come to Mexico every time I have something to do here, just as I came to the AOL thing, which is very important because it opens a huge world of information to Mexico. There are a lot of things going on with the country and we can't stay behind. We gotta be right there. In the movie industry, look at what is happening....

Adal: Yes, of course, with the movies...

Salma: With the movies. And I think it's getting better. Our image is changing in all the world and they want to invest in Mexico as AOL did and I feel glad to be able to come and feel loved by Mexico..... and to be invited to your show..... and I have a very pretty life. Adal: And thanx for coming to the show even though there were a lot of rumors of you canceling which weren't true and we always knew about your schedule and we were always informed and we had to adjust.....

Salma: And I thank you for that....

Adal: You don't have to. We thank YOU. Sometimes artists are not available on Tuesdays so we have to adjust. This is a taped clip and after this the live show will go on, but people felt it as if it was live.... Salma: The next time I'll come live...

Adal: Next time you've got to do a sketch with us.. Salma: No, lets dance salsa. Do you dance salsa?

Adal: At a discoteque? Salma: At a discoteque too, but also here.... (Music begins) Salma: NOW?! I meant the next time....

Adal: Wait, wait a moment.... (They stand up and dance)

Adal: An applause for Salma!!!! (Applause)

Adal: Thanx Salma.... Salma: Thanx to you Adal.....