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David Letterman, November 25, 1998
Transcript by Jacinda

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DL: She stars in the upcoming motion picture The Faculty which opens on Christmas Day. So mark your calendar. Here is the always lovely, the always lively Salma Hayek. Salma.

[music, applause]

DL: Welcome to the show.

SH: Thank you.

DL: I appreciate you being here. You look great. You look wonderful.

SH: So do you. Let me help you a little.

DL: Oh, it's just a little screwed up. There you go. Thank you very much. Happy Thanksgiving. Did you have a nice thanksgiving?

SH: I had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

DL: Yeah? What did you do?

SH: I had..


SH: I had two Thanksgivings actually. Yes.

DL: You celebrated twice?

SH: Twice. First I went to Kevin Kline's and fabricated dinner.

DL: You worked with Kevin Kline in a film..

SH: Yes. Wild Wild West.

DL: Wild Wild West. How did that turn out as movie? Is it any good?

SH: Wonderful.

DL: Is Will Smith in that as well?

SH: Yes.

DL: It's a big cast, isn't it?

SH: Yes and Kenneth Branagh.

DL: Oh my God.

SH: It's wonderful. I am very excited about it. Next summer.

DL: See it next summer. [cheers]

.. we had a great time and then I had dinner again with my boyfriend's fans.

DL: Who's your boyfriend? What's his deal?

SH: His deal? What are you talking about? Did you forget about him?

DL: The same guy?

SH: Same guy, yeah.

DL: Same guy, good for you. How long have you and Ed been together?

SH: Over two years.

DL: Fair enough. Very nice.

SH: For well over two years and we had turkey again for dinner.

DL: Twice.

SH: I don't want to hear that word for a while. [laughter]

DL: Oh, you've come to the wrong place. [laughter]

SH: Well, I love having Thanksgiving here. We don't have that in Mexico and it's great that you speak a day to give thanks. Now you thank, you know, the Pilgrims..

DL: That's who we're thanking. We're thanking the Pilgrims. [laughter]

SH: Now you thank..

DL: We thank for the bounty which we enjoy living in this great land of ours.

SH: That's what I celebrate every Thanksgiving, the opportunity that I am in this wonderful land of America that has been so good to me. So I thank America for that. [cheers]

DL: You went shopping.. I don't know when this happened but you were almost injured shopping in a department store.

SH: Yes.

DL: Where was it? Tell us..

SH: In Los Angeles. You know, if somebody tells you that shopping can not kill you don't listen to that.

DL: How about that thing shop till you drop? How about that?

SH: [laughs] How about that! No, no, no.. I went to and I needed to go to the ladies room and it's downstairs so I took those electric stairs..

DL: The escalator?

SH: Yes. The escalator. [laughter] And as I was coming down I just felt this thing pulling me from the bottom. Like this.. And the escalator just grabbed my skirt and pulled me down and there I am on the ground, 20 people staring at me. And they stopped it and I was trying to get my skirt back and they were like: "Don't move, don't touch it, don't touch the skirt! Don't hurt your fingers!" And I'm like this and then the security people came and they are like all around me pulling and everybody is watching.

DL: As the machine.. the icy steal cold jaws of death are pulling you.. [laughter] as they are pulling you down, is the escalator continuing to move?

SH: Yeah, but somebody immediately came and stopped it. No, it stopped.

DL: It must have like a build-in safety.

SH: Thank God, otherwise I would have...

DL: So you are pulled down by this thing.

SH: Yeah.

DL: So this could have been very very dangerous.

SH: Yeah, but I was fine. The only dangerous thing was that it took me a long time to get to the ladies room. [laughter] When I finally made it and when I came out there were all these men with suits and I said: "Don't worry I am not suing."

DL: Why not? You should sue.. That's what people do. [laughter] I'm telling you you should sue. I am not a lawyer but I smell at least 30 million dollars. [laughter] Because thank God, you weren't injured, but you were humiliated. You have never been so humiliated in your life. And there's a price for that! [applause] And you thank God, you're here to tell the story because a lesser human would be so traumatized that you couldn't go out for years.

SH: It's so true.

DL: Hey Niman, hey Marcus, listen to me. We're coming to get you. With powerful attorney we will crush you. The way you nearly crushed this lovely young lady [laughter] who's never been more humiliated in her life. You bastards make me sick. We are gonna take care of it for you.

SH: Thank you.

DL: You are not dating Donald Trump, are you?

SH: No.

DL: Because you have your boyfriend Ed.

SH: I have my boyfriend.

DL: Why is Donald Trump.. he was on the show a month ago and he was making noise about a thing going on, you know.

SH: No, he wasn't. There was a thing on the tabloids saying I was running after him trying to get him, humiliating my boyfriend..

DL: You wouldn't do that.

SH: To try to beg him to take my phonenumber. But he didn't like me because I was too short for him.

DL: Yeah. There is not a word true in it..

SH: Not a word, except that I am short. Everything else is absolutely untrue.

DL: Do you know Donald Trump?

SH: I know him. Yes. We just met him. He was so nice.

DL: Do you like him?

SH: He was very nice. He invited us to come to Atlantic City to some boxing matches. We never made it but

DL: What's the deal with his hair business? I mean when you were sitting there talking. It was sort of like he wanted to build the highest apartment building in the world. And I am thinking reduce my gut, I am looking at an architectorial wonder right here. [laughter] There is nothing Ed should worry about?

SH: No.

DL: Donald Trump's got a lot of dough. You know what I'm saying.

SH: I know but I don't care about the dough.

DL: If it's not the money what are you interested in? It just kind of rounds up our impression of your boyfriend Ed. We'll find out more about Ed.

SH: Yes. I am interested in..

DL: Sensitivity? Care? Understanding?

SH: You know. Men that protect me when I get taken by the teeth of the escalators [laughter]. You know, that sort of security.

DL: [laughs] taken by the teeth of the escalator.

SH: That's what really means something.

DL: You like moonlight?

SH: Yes.

DL: You like long walks on the beach?

SH: Yes, I do.

DL: You like kittens? [laughter]

SH: Yes, I do.

DL: Me too. [cheers]

SH: I also like green and orange ties.

DL: Green and orange ties?

SH: This one's green but I love it when you wear the orange.

DL: Well, thank you very much, thank you. That's very sweet of you. Let's show the people a bit of the movie Faculty, ok?

SH: The Faculty.. I have a cameo in this very scary, very funny..

DL: The sort of the highschool where everybody gets stabbed, isn't it?

SH: Not, exactly. It's a scifi sort of thing. Aliens..

DL: Aliens? Aliens are stabbed by everyone in highschool? [laughter]

SH: Sort of. Yeah.

DL: So you only have a cameo.

SH: I have a cameo. It's directed by Robert Rodriguez. Written by Kevin Williamson who did all the Screams. And I've always worked with Robert Rodriguez. I started out with him. In every film, he gave me my first shot so I am very loyal. I play an ugly nurse in this one.

DL: Oh you play an ugly nurse in this one? And how long were you in makeup for this one? [laughter]

SH: They put a little bit of dark under my eyes.

DL: Ooh, I can't stand it.

SH: And sometimes blood.

DL: You must have been really awful looking. [laughs] Have we seen the clip yet? What's your favorite Mexican dish? What do you like?

SH: Oh God, I like so many things.

DL: How about burritos? Enchaladas! Rancheros!

SH: Rancheros are good but burritos are not Mexican.

DL: What are they?

SH: American.

DL: Burritos are American? So you can't in Mexico.. you can't

SH: Burritos are.. in Mexico it's a donkey.. you ride them, but you don't eat them. That's an American invention.

DL: That's interesting. I didn't know that.

SH: But we did invent the Cesar's salad. It's Mexican.

DL: Cesar's salad?

SH: Cesar's salad was invented in Mexico.

DL: Really? [laughter] Noo, the Cesar's salad?

SH: Yes.

DL: I thought it was named after the Cesar, the Roman emperor. Julius Cesar.

SH: I don't know whom it was named after, but it was made in Mexico for the first time. [laughter] And the crème brulée that you would think was made in France was made in Cambridge, in England by a chef...

DL: That's not French at all.

SH: Sorry, it's English but the name is French though.

DL: You know that cheese. It's made of New Jersey. OK now let's have a look at the clip because we haven't seen it already. [excerpt from The Faculty]

DL: That's so good. Listen, my dear, thank you very much, I appreciate you coming here during the holidays. Salma Hayek.