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Frida will have to wait

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Before starting the shooting of Frida Kahlo, Salma Hayek will put herself in the hands of Mike Figgis to start a movie which will be filmed in Europe.

From the house of the actress, in Los Angeles, it was announced that the Mexican actress will be out of the United States for six months while she works in the Figgis picture (without a title as of now), and will then move to Mexico to start the story about the painter.

"Salma has gone away from Los Angeles, she'll be absent for a while", said a spokeperson for the actress.

"It's a fact, the movie about Frida Kahlo won't be filmed for now. This is a project which has been worked out since eight years ago as if to start it right now just like that", he said.

It was recently announced, through a press agency, that Salma would start the shooting of Frida Kahlo in February or March, but it won't be that way.

"The period of preproduction is very extense, so they won't start shooting for now, maybe in 4 or 5 months", added the spokeperson.

Meanwhile, the actress will again work with Figgis, the prestigious American director that reached great success with the movie Leaving Las Vegas.

Salma and the director worked together in the movie called Timecode, where the actress played the role of Rose. That movie was filmed in 1999. Other stories directed by Figgis are One Night Stand and The Loss of Sexual Innocence.

According to the official Salma website, in January 2001 the principal photography will start in what will be a film about the wife of Diego Rivera.

As for the cast, actor Alfred Molina will be the one to play Rivera, while Antonio Banderas will be David Alfredo Siqueiros, Edward Norton will encarnate Nelson Rockefeller and Ashley Judd will turn into Tina Modotti.

Translation by Morris!