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July 24, 2001
Transcript by Morris / / Audio file created by Bill Austin

Steve Kmetko: These days Salma Hayek is giving Melanie Griffith a little competition for the title of working girl. Salma just finished filming a string of movies back-to-back including one that reunites her with Melanie's husband Antonio Banderas and Robert Rodriguez. As Cindy Holm tells us, Salma is ready for a vacation!

Salma: I wanna pretend I'm sick and stay... in my bed (laughs)

Cindy Holm: Who wouldn't after craking out 9 films in just over a year. In "Once Upon a Time in Mexico", Salma and costar Antonio Banderas get physical.

Salma: We did stunts. The stunts people were very surprised of how crazy we are and of the things we did and he's very courageous and he's very good at it.

Cindy Holm: Directed by Robert Rodriguez it's the trio's third film together. Antonio also did a cameo in Salma's movie about Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, a film she's been trying to make for years, as both producer and actress.

Salma: Sometimes things that are worthwhile..... take a long time to accomplish, because they're usually difficult, you know. If they weren't anyone could do it.

Cindy Holm: Salma also had high praise for singer Mark Anthony, who costarred with her in the movie "In the Time of Butterflies".

Salma: We should see more of him because he's as talented as an actor as he is as a musician. Maybe even more as an actor. He's truly truly extraordinary.

Cindy Holm: After years of hard work, Salma has learned to jungle the professional and the personal.

Salma: You have to be very organized and..... very calmed and very centered, you know, and you have to want it a lot. I think I'm in a good place because I think I have payed some dues. It's time to collect! (laughs)